July 2019totuesdaymagazine

goat head

Encounter with Evil!


Racism Today: an exploration inside the culture of bigotry.

Famous UFO Photographer: encounter one of the top UFotographers today. (We just made that word up.)

Demon Encounter: beware of goats bearing gifts.

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Lifestyles of the Most Racist People on Earth

Irwin Conway takes a look at a typical racist family. They are not like us.

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This is the kind of hard-hitting journalism that regular news won't do because they are scaredy-cats. They are not us. We know us and we are not them. They are.

All-Natural To Tuesday Tampons



You don't want to get blood all over everything, do you?

A Visit with a UFO Photographer

Mr. Burt teaches UFO photography at the Jupiter ET Photography Center

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This in-depth interview really happened. You will have to take our word for it.