We apologize to all the people who clicked over to this site looking for penis enlargers. There was a typo in our newsletter. (Apparently)
The F. Hart Tottey Penis Pump has been banned by the FAA for causing landing gear malfunctions. The Business Guy denies all reports that suggest he knew anything about it. I was out of the loop all along. There are ethics in business. I know that.
Why would anyone think that I wouldn't know that?
by Blanca
Big Splash -- I see somebody getting wet--somebody whose name starts with the 'y' sound.
Election Campaigns -- In a big country's election cycle, a politician will make absurd promises that they could never keep, and PEOPLE WILL BELIEVE THEM!
A New Major Disease -- ESTD, Extra Sexual Transmitted Disease, will be very serious. It is sure to be on everyone's minds.
The RAM -- RAMs are volatile and random.
Most RAMs are dynamic rather than static which means that they must be refreshed often. RAMs enjoy reading as much as they like to write. Their favorite color is five.